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My project encourages families to follow the BLW* method.

I recommend organic food if possible


Babies 0 to 6 months old


Breast milk (or formula) exclusively.


Babies 6 to 12 months old

Do not force them to eat more, to eat something they don't want or to eat faster.

Incorporate new food items one at the time, to observe tolerance.

There is no set order of appearance for the introduction of food items in the diet (it depends on the country of residence, nothing scientific, unless there are cases of allergies or intolerances within the family).

Do not prioritize fruits and vegetables over other foods (they have fewer calories).

Babies diet should be based on breast milk (or formula).


One year old Child

A one year old child can already follow the family diet as long as it is a healthy diet, breastfeeding will continue until the family decides, breast milk is always the best choice.

The child can already have cow's milk, if not breastfed (always the first option).


 *Baby Led Weaning


The child starts eating when he is ready.

The child self-regulates by him/herself, quantity / necessity.

Prevents childhood and adult obesity.

The possible rejection of food is avoided, since it is not forced to eat (forcing can cause rejection of certain foods)


Respecting the child's rhythm:

 - The child has the chance to practice (how to pick up food, take it to the mouth and chew it well).

 - Eases digestion and prevents tummy aches and constipation.

- The child learns to recognize the feeling of satiation and can stop eating.

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