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Emotional Development


Live experiences during early childhood are the basis on which children will develop at a psychological and emotional level.


Pleasant experiences open the child to the world, repeated experiences of displeasure close and hold him back.

In the balance between the two depends how the child will relate to the world.

In my project, I accompany the emotions based on the respect for the child's deep needs in the different stages of development, accompanying them in the processes of natural frustration that are part of the day-to-day reality.


With empathy.

With a climate of love and respect for their individuality.

Creating a strong and secure emotional bond.

Addressing the emotional needs, without repressing them.

Setting clear, consistent and adequate limits based on their development.

Promoting autonomy, helping only when necessary.


Accompanying out of the tantrums and calming down.


Using a suitable tone of voice.


Without ridiculing their fears.


Offering opportunities to choose and check their "personal power".

Allowing to test where the limits are.

Encouraging to express clearly what they like and what bothers them.

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