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Freedom of Movement


In my project I respect the freedom of movement, which favours the development of the baby. This will provide the child with greater knowledge of himself and his own possibilities or limits, and also a greater confidence in his ability to make decisions.


Following the advice of Emmi Pikler, I give time for the child to reach the different positions of motor development phases by himself, when the child is prepared to do so (each child has his own pace and there is no need to force development , this occurs naturally).


In broad strokes we can say that natural evolution would be:

lying on its back → turning and lying on its stomach → sliding→ crawling → sitting → standing up → walking …




I fully believe in the child' skills, on his initiative and on his ability to interact with the world that surrounds him.

My intervention will be to facilitate freedom of movement:

- Offering a wide, safe and adapted space for them.

- Dressing them in comfortable clothes that do not limit their movements.

- Free of shoes (with non-slip socks or without).

- Accompanying them by being patient and respectful, and showing joy at their achievements.

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